young students in a classroom

A+ Savings Program

A+ Program

For all Students in the Wayne, Lewis, and Lawrence County School System

Peoples Bank wants your student to be successful! We have a fun way for Pre-K through 8th grade students to be rewarded for doing their best!  Each week your student is invited to bring in one test with an "A" grade to our bank for a treat from the Prize Bucket. The A+ Program is open to any student, with or without an account. Just come to our bank, show your great test score from the prior week to one of our customer service representatives. (Limited to one prize per student per week.)
We welcome your student to join in on even more rewards for a job well done in school. Our A+ Club has the fun weekly Prize Bucket Drawing, plus deposits for good grades and perfect attendance!

A+ Club

For Our Pre-K through 8th Grade Account Holders

Our A+ Club Members receive deposits for good grades every report card. For every "A" or "S" (up to 5) your student gets $1 and for perfect attendance your student gets $10 for each grading period. This means if your student has five A’s and perfect attendance they will get a $15 deposit for every report card!
Our A+ Club Members also get some cool Club things!
  • Official Club Card
  • Savings Passbook
  • Mini Money Bag
  • Cool School Bracelet
  • The only requirement to be in the "Club" is to open a savings account for your Pre-K thru 8th grade student.
  • Club Members can also participate in the weekly Prize Bucket drawings, but also draw from our Treasure Chest! Each coin in the chest has a value to add to your deposit or your student might even draw out the $100 coin! (Limited to one prize draw per student per week/report card period.)

Bring your student in to join our A+ Club and earn money for those good grades and perfect attendance!
Your student must be present to draw for prizes.  Program and Club are open to Frank Hughes School, Waynesboro Schools, Collinwood Schools, Lewis County Schools, and Lawrence County Schools.  Students must bring their Social Security Card and Birth Certificate. Parents must bring their driver's license and one other form of I.D. Please call one of our customer service representatives for more information on these accounts, including any fees you may be charged to own this account.  A+ Savings customers must be under 18 years of age. The Annual Percentage Yield for this account as of Date, is 0.30% for balances $1.00 and up and may change at any time. Fees could reduce earnings on this account. A minimum of $1 is required to open the account and to obtain the current APY. Any bonus received will be credited to the account and may constitute income under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, and if required, will be properly reported. Report cards with an “A” or equivalent will be valid one month from the date of issuance. An official report card is required; progress reports of any type do not qualify. Limit of one $10 credit per report card for perfect attendance and $1 per A grade up to $5. Peoples Bank reserves the right to discontinue this product or offer at any time.

If you would like more information or have questions, contact us today!